
Codeforces 1220a - A. Cards solution in C/ C++

Codeforces 1220 – A. Cards solution

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This problem is very simple. First You have to input an integer n. Then input a randomized string of n consisting of these five English lowercase letters: ‘z’, ‘e’, ‘r’, ‘o’ and ‘n’. Now the problem said you have to sort/restore the randomized/shuffled string and It is guaranteed that it is possible to rearrange the letters in such a way… Read More »Codeforces 1220 – A. Cards solution

uri 1024 Encryption solution

Uri 1024 – Encryption solution

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This is a basic string manipulation problem to create a basic encryption program. First of all, we see from the given inputs that inputs can be a sentence aka. more than one word in an input. So, we can’t use scanf, cin or any other formatted input functions of c/c++ as those will only take input until space is encountered.… Read More »Uri 1024 – Encryption solution

Program to check neon number

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Neon Numbers are numbers that are the same as the sum of all digits of its squared number.e.g: x2 = a+b+c…+n where (a,b,c) are all digits of x2. For example, 9 is a neon number. Because While 4 isn’t a neon number because of 42 = 16.And the sum of its digits is 1 + 6 = 7.And 7 not… Read More »Program to check neon number

uri 1024 Encryption solution

URI|1036 Bhaskara’s Formula solution

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Well, the problem says it all. You need to calculate the root of Bhaskara,s Formula. Don’t know Bhaskara’s Formula? It is actually Algebra’s Quadratic Formula. The Quadratic/ Bhaskaras formula is : ax2 + bx + c . And Quadratic Formula’s root is : So, That’s it. We have to just print the positive and negative value of the quadratic formula.… Read More »URI|1036 Bhaskara’s Formula solution