Codeforces 266b solution: Queue at the School

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codeforces 226b queue at school full solution

This problem’s main point is each second a boy will let every girl swap positions if a girl is behind the boy. This happens for all the girls and boys who meet the same condition.

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Here, if you look at sample input you will see a single string containing only ‘B’ or ‘G’ letters denoting boy and girl respectively, where the sequence of the whole string represents the line containing boys and girls int the line/queue at a certain time.

The first integer represents the number of children ( in this case string size ) and the 2nd integer represents seconds that will pass.

  • First, we will take two integers as asked in the problem. (number of children and passable time).
  •  After inputting them we will declare a string whose length will be the 1st inputted integer to create the line of students as a string.
  • Then, we will call a loop until we pass all iterations of the second Input integer so that we can do operations of swapping boys and girls for the given seconds. (line 8 of code )
  • Now we will loop through all the index of the input string ( boys, girls queue representation ) to check if current_index = ‘B’ and next_index = ‘G’.
  • If the previous comparison is correct we will swap current_index and next_index values. ( Boys exchanging position with girls if the girl is behind ). (line 10 – 12 of code)
  • Then increment the loop iterator by 2 because we had done work with two indexes and we don,t need to do anything u til next second. (line 13 of code)
  • Else if the comparison didn’t match we will increment the loop iterator only by one so we can check the next index.
  • After the looping process is done just print the string to show the changed output.

int main() {
int x,y;
char str[x],tmp;
scanf(" %s",str);
int len = strlen(str);
while(y--) {
   for(int i = 0; i<len-1;) {
      if(str[i]=='B' && str[i+1]=='G') {
         tmp = str[i];
         str[i] = str[i+1];
         str[i+1] = tmp;
return 0;
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